CNG Maintenance Facility
MADISON, WI—April 17, 2013—Wisconsin’s State Energy Office (SEO) has selected ET Environmental Corporation, LLC (www.etdesignbuild.com) to develop recommendations on the process of expanding the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) statewide, beginning with modifications of existing diesel truck fleet maintenance facilities.
Over the next four months, ET Environmental will work with SEO representatives and other stakeholder groups to create regulatory guideline documents, supplemental checklists and diagrams to help facility owners modify their facilities in a cost effective and efficient manner. CNG is often one-third the cost of regular gasoline and diesel. With the conversion to CNG, the state will be able to reduce fuel costs as well as reduce emissions and noise, and have longer lives for its state vehicles.
ET Environmental is a leader in the alternative energy, infrastructure and landfill gas industries. The company has a nationwide CNG fueling infrastructure and maintenance program already in progress, and completed its first CNG project in 2004. ET Environmental’s staff from its Chicago, IL office will lead the Wisconsin project along with experts in its Idaho and Connecticut offices.
“ET Environmental’s proposal was chosen among the nine submitted because they have the best expertise and history of work related to meeting the objectives of our program,”says Maria Redmond, Senior Analyst & Program Manager, Transportation Fuels, Wisconsin State Energy Office.
“Our company is honored to have been selected to help the Wisconsin State Energy Office develop the standards for CNG facilities statewide,” says Bill Higginbotham, PE, LEED AP, President/CEO of ET Environmental. “These facilities require very different building codes that can often be confusing. We hope to see more forward-thinking states follow Wisconsin’s lead by developing uniform guidelines for these environmentally and financially beneficial facilities.”
About ET Environmental
With headquarters in Atlanta, ET Environmental is an independent design/build firm with in-house professional engineers and construction managers in 13 offices nationwide. The company focuses on alternative fueling infrastructure and maintenance services as well as all areas of the solid waste industry.
Founded in 1993, ET Environmental has blended environmental expertise and construction knowledge and management systems into a unique, integrated service model.