CNG Vehicle Fleets Mean More Revenue for Your Governments

Compressed Natural Gas. CNG.  You’ve heard of it and seen several of your neighboring towns and cities convert their fleets to it, but still, you’re unsure whether it’s right for you. CNG is the wave of the future.  It’s environmentally clean,...

Oil Prices Are Plummeting. What Does That Mean For CNG?

Oil prices are in free fall, bringing U.S. gasoline prices down to levels not seen in more than a decade. It’s easy to think that with cheaper gas prices, CNG vehicle adoption will suffer. After all, part of the reason for choosing alternative fuel vehicles is for...

A Look at Leachate Treatment Facilities Services

Are you seeking leachate treatment facility services for the first time or looking for an ongoing relationship with a business that specializes in the unique leachate field? Whether you are a private property owner, government official, landfill manager, industrial...

Employee Spotlight, Dan Reasy, Superintendent

    Dan Reasy, Superintendent West Region CNG Group             Current project: WM Oakland CA CNG Fueling Facilities. Completed Phase 1 50 truck CNG fueling stalls, now extending to Phase 2, adding 50 truck CNG fueling stalls....

CNG conversion or addition? Our facility experts have the answers

In some respects, it is easier and more economical to start from scratch when designing a facility to service CNG vehicles. But there is also a growing demand for garages with capabilities to service multiple vehicle types. According to the US Department of Energy,...

Top Cities Switching to CNG Fueling Facilities

Are you considering adding CNG fueling facilities to your business or municipality? There are a long list of benefits that go along with this switch, and it is catching on around the world. If you are still learning about compressed natural gas (CNG) and its benefits...

Employee Spotlight, Scott Mattison

      Scott Mattison, Design Manager Ketchum, ID Office       Current Project: I’m currently managing the design for CNG fueling projects in Oakland, CA, Redding, CA and Gilbert, AZ, with construction about to start on additional CNG...

Best Practices in NGV Garage Code Compliance

Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) are the 21st century answer to our 20th century internal combustion dilemmas – limited oil reserves, foreign economic and political instability, and exponential increase of CO2 emissions in our atmosphere. Although the technology for...